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Our Work


Research Engagements

A typical engagement with us lasts 2 to 4 months, with three project phases:

  1. Leverage our economics and policy expertise to clearly articulate research questions

  2. Seed models with project-specific input data and generate results

  3. Synthesize model results and insights in a written report (examples of public reports here, here and here)


Expert Consulting

Hire us to host workshops on specific topics, share insights based on past research findings, or provide guidance on your own analytical efforts.



We’ve contributed our expertise to research performed by leading NGOs, academic research groups, national labs, and energy consulting firms.


Model Licensing

License our analytical tools to perform your own in-house analysis. We provide training, documentation and high-touch ongoing technical support.



Our licensing clients include Fortune 500 electric utilities, large consulting firms and academic researchers.

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