Ben and I gave a talk on the findings of the U.S. Deep Decarbonization Pathways Project at the Sherbino Theater in Ridgway, Colorado as part of a weekly speaker series. We were in town for a work retreat as we prepare for the release of the next version of the EnergyPATHWAYS model.
The Sherbino is a beautiful venue and the audience was highly engaged, asking great questions after the set of slides we showed, attached here.
Town Mayor, John Clark, was also kind enough to film the presentation so that we could post it here. Audience Q&A starts in minute 53 of the video. Please comment or post any additional questions and we will answer them where we can. Thank you also to Jasmine Oeinck for her help organizing the event and for everyone from Ridgway that came out to make it a fun event for both of us.