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Nuclear in the Southeast

Gabe Kwok participated in a panel discussion at the workshop "Potential Pathways: The Future of the Electricity Sector in the Southeast" in Durham, North Carolina on October 5, 2016. The event, co-hosted by the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions and the Duke University Energy Initiative, brought together experts to discuss key factors affecting the region’s future electric power sector, including electricity demand uncertainty, technology’s impact on utility business models and regulatory structures, and nuclear power’s role in the generation mix.

Mr. Kwok presented during the panel, “The Role of Nuclear Energy in the Southeast’s Electricity Future”, which addressed the value, costs and risks of nuclear power in the Southeast. During the panel, Mr. Kwok discussed nuclear power’s contribution towards achieving deep decarbonization goals and the critical role of re-licensing over the coming decades.

For more information, please visit the event website.

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